Thursday, April 30, 2009

End of April

Well here it is the end of the month and with it comes the close of the fastptich season and the beginning of some awesome weather. I am really excited for the weather to warm up but I am totally bummed that softball is ending. It will be a good break though because I can refocus on on our fungi experiments and REU presentations. :S
They should be fairly easy substance wise but any presentation requires a whole lot of preparation and planning to come out well done.

Our diesel plates are growing rapidly and we will probably start another experiment sometime soon.
My one new stick plate is growing contamination free so it should be ready for transfer in a few weeks.
Other than that there isn't a whole lot going on. We requested keys for the lab but I haven't been able to pick mine up yet. I keep missing the person I need to see to sign for the key. :P Anyways, enjoy the sun!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Diesel Round Two

Well our diesel experiment is up and running! The new building is really nice to work in it's just been a small challenge to find time when classes are not using all the labs. So I am actually waiting for a class to get out of the lab right now to do measurements.
Hopefully none of the plates will have contamination and I can just measure twice a week.
In other exciting news, the PC softball team is doing good, we beat Skagit yesterdays and are travelling to Edmonds on Friday and Everrett Saturday, as long as the weather stays nice it should be a lot of fun! It also means I have to cram all my lab work for this week and make up a math test before we leave Friday morning.
I have also been working hard on a few scholarship applications, I have one more to finish before the end of next week and then I am done with those too! :D

Well That's about it, oh I guess Jacob and I have to fine tune our power point presentation and present it on Monday so we have to get together and work on that too. Anyways, I got to get stiff done!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

Well here we are in Spring Quarter and I must say it's great to get back into the groove. We are pretty much moved into the science building. We still have to figure out exactly where and when classes are taking place so we can use the sterile hood when we want. We poured new diesel plates last week and were doing transfers this week. I'll try and take some new photos of the transfer method but I can't make any promises.
At any rate I'm back at school and keeping busy with everything.
Catch you later!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Quarter Update

Well I feel so behind on my blogging, life has been insane! But I survived winter quarter so it's almost over!

Our fungi group lab had to pack up and move out of the old chem lab and into the new science building so we packed and labeled boxes for the move. Our next big mission was to get our sterile hood out of the lab and into the back of a truck, it is a heavy and expensive piece of machinery so in the end we decided to let people more qualified to lift heavy items take it out to the truck for us.
The last trip through the old lab was sad because all our fungi and equipment were gone, but hopefully construction on the new building will be quick! (yeah right!)
This quarter we should be continuing our work on genetic research and possibly starting our plot surveys up again. Additionally we have to start organizing our data we have collected throughout the year and work on creating a presentation we could use at a science conference. It should be a fun and exciting quarter!

Catch ya later!