Sunday, November 16, 2008


Just thought I would update my blog, I have been pretty sick the last week so I am more than a little behind on everything. But, I have been measuring my plates, most of my RBBR plates are done or close to done and a few of my PAH plates are close too.
I missed collecting from our plots on Thursday so I don't have much to talk about, I promise I will make it up somehow.
This weekend I was feeling a little better though, so I visited one of my friends and on the way to her house I saw some mushrooms in the middle of a field. This made me very excited so my friend and I went out into this field and picked these mushrooms last night. I think they are some kind of Agaricus, they might be edible but I'm not taking any chances! The really cool thing about them is that they smell a lot like almonds, really light and sweet, this is a good defining quality so it should help someone a little more experienced than me identify them.
Well I don't have much else to say, I promise I'll blog a few times this week.

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